Sophie Keebles Project

Monday, December 04, 2006

1.3: The Digital Divide

The Digital Divide
ICT has transformed the way may of us live. It has brought enormous educational, social, cultural and indeed economic benefits to those with access to it. The information age has, however, touched as unequally. It will be apparent that in some parts of the world it has had almost no impact for a variety of physical, social, political and economic reasons. In Africa it is estimated that in July 2005 less than 1.8% of the population used the Internet in contrast to over 68% in North America. The United Nations has, as part of its landmark document The Millennium Declaration, committed member nations to “ensure that the benefits of new technologies, especially information and communication technologies are available to all.” In this chapter I will examine the factors creating the divide, and the impact the divide has on individuals and societies. I will investigate the extent of the divide and review critically the many measures being taken to eradicate or reduce it.

Factors Creating The Divide
Compared to places such as India, Britain has one of the best computer rates, Places such as India, have to pay double the amount for one single computer, in fact a computer can cost up to six years salary, even then once they have brought it, finding someone to work on it is a difficult task, as not many people are computer literate.

"Some economies in the Asia-pacific have more mobile phones than citizens, in other parts of the region, fewer than one in twenty have access to information and communication technologies. In the republic of Korea, as many as 80% of households have broadband Internet access. But not across the region as a whole, around three out of every four families have no Internet access at all!"

Economic and Social Impacts of the Divide

What difference does a global divide in terms of access to ICT make? There are some people who argue that it is not a fact of economic life, that there are some ‘haves’ and some ‘have nots’, and that market forces will dictate the balance between these. On the other hand there are those that feel that the digital divide is a massive problem for the economic, political and social destiny of the world, both rich and poor.

Kofi Annan-, Secretary of the united nations said: “Information Technology is a powerful force that can and must be harnessed to our global mission of peace and development, this is a matter of both ethics and economics; over the long term, the new economy can only be productive and sustainable if it spreads worldwide and responds to the needs and demands of all people. I urge everyone in a position to make a difference to add his or her energies to this effort”

Information is one of the major determinants of economic and social development, and that one of the major reasons for Africa’s underdevelopment is the inadequate use of data. However, you should notice she also concludes that merely providing ICT without changing the underlying skills, knowledge and social circumstances of the population may have a negative effect on the situation, rather than improve it.

Tackling the divide: On the ground
ICT is capable of being very empowering. Unlike steel or car manufacturing, for example, ICT can be extremely cost-effective. Targeting investment in basic education and access to ICT can yield slightly great returns. Putting a community IT centre or IT kiosk in a central point in a village community, and teaching villagers how to use the facilities can give masses of people access to information and communications through the Internet and mobile technology that can transform lives. Information kiosks, cybercafés and community telecentres are now commonplace in places as varied as Egypt, Kazakhstan and Peru. In Bolivia, Internet centres are used to provide rural workers with up to date information on crops, markets and polices and regulations that might affect them.

Mobile phone users in Pakistan will double next year to more than 7 million outnumbering fixed line customers for the first time and marking a new era of communications.

Tackling the divide: political initiatives

There have been numerous political initiatives intended to find ways of reducing the digital divide. The United Nations has organised two summits as part of its global plan, the first of these, the world summit on the Information Society in December 2003, was considered a mixed success. Delegates did endorse what some have called the first constitution for the Information Age. This amounts to a statement of principles and an action plan intended to ensure that more than half of the world has access to some form of electronic media by 2015. On the other side, however, many people argued that words do not change things, and that it is money and resources that are really needed. Some also argue that debate and policy making on the digital divide were undermined by discussions on political issues.


There is a clear digital divide between the developed and developing countries. It has been said by many world leaders that bridging this divide is one of the essential steps towards the ending of world poverty, and would be the precursor of a great economic age. There is clearly some truth in this proposition but it should be treated with caution. For example, remember that half of the world’s population has never even made a telephone call! 70% of the worlds poor live in remote, rural areas with almost no telecoms links to the outside world. There have been some new technical and political solutions to the problem causing, and caused by, the divide, but we are at the start of a very long process which is as much a socio-economic and political one as a technical one.


Monday, October 16, 2006

1.2 Information Ages:Working Style- Crime and Crime Prevention

  1. Catching a criminal involves a lot of computer work
  2. Catching a criminal has become a lot easier
  3. The Police have an easier job


  • Less Crime around areas
  • More computer jobs avaliable
  • You will feel safer without the criminals around


  • With all the computer work, it puts police out of business
  • If one of the computers or someting breaks down, there in trouble, as the will loose track of who they are following.

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

1.2 Information Ages:Working Styles- Education


  1. Teaching is an easier job
  2. It allows felixible working hours
  3. Students find it more interesting


  • Teaching is easier
  • They will learn more from a computer, incase the teacher forgets anything
  • It familiaries them with computers, so they are used to them in a later life


  • Looking at a computer all the time can damage your eye site
  • If there is no teacher in the class room, just a comuter speaking, some students may skip classes
  • The students could get bored easily
  • There are less teaching jobs avaliable

1.2 Information Ages: Working Style- Communication

  1. Quicker
  2. Communicate Much More
  3. Communicate More Globally


  • It is easier to communicate
  • It is cheaper than phone calls


  • Some people dont have computers, so they can't use chat
  • Some people dont own a mobile phone, or know who to use one
  • With more up-to date mobile phones, they are more likely to get stolen

Thursday, September 28, 2006

Real Time Information- Weather

For my final piece of real time information, i have chosen to write about weather forcasts. I chose to get my weather forcast from the ITV website.

The Website is very colourful, and shows you a rief picture of the forcast on the front of the page. If you want a more detailed forcast, you simply select your region from the list below, and it tells you what the weather is going to be like in your area!

A great feature to the weather page, is that it allows to to see what the weather is like all over the country, so that is really useful if you are planning a holiday, and want to know what the weather is like before you go away to that place on holiday.

I wouldnt really suggest using this website, unless you want to know about holiday weather, becuase i think that the weather forcast on the TV is much better!

Real Time Information- News

I have chosen BBC News as my second piece of real time information, because it has so many different important and not so important stories. This website tells you about the world wide news, and tells you the local news around your area.

I have used BBC News before, and i think it is really usful! It is so quick at loading up the new stories, with in a few minuted of a ground breaking story, the whole picture of the story is already on the interent.

Not only does BBC News tell you about the news, the also have video clips and voice clips, so it is easy for anyone to understand. The website also has links to other BBC websites, such as Sport, Radio and CBBC.

Real Time Information- Traffic Information

My first section on real time information is traffic information. I decided to go for local traffic information from Lincolnshire. I don't think this information is very clear, and they don't have lots of information! There maybe other streets or roads that are blocked, and they haven't mentioned them. However, one good point, is that they do update the information quite regulary!

I have never used this website before for traffic information, and i don't think i'll use it again, as it has no interest to me yet, as I am not driving yet! I wouldn't advise my parents or other drivers to use this, I would tell them to stick to the radio, as it is far more useful if you are on the go!

The website itself isn't interesting, and would not appeal to people of our age. It has quite a bit of information about local news and local things happening around Lincolnshire.

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

1.2 Information Ages:Working Style- Employment Opportunties

  1. Computers are used in all areas of work
  2. If people can't use computers, there is a shortage of work


  • Work is a lot easier, as machines do it for you
  • The job is more professional


  • People are being replaced by machines
  • It makes people lazy, as they just make the machines do it

1.2 Information Ages: Working Style- Changes

  1. ICT allows flexible working hours
  2. Wide range of activities to do
  3. Can be more creative e.g. with presentations


  • It takes less time to do the work
  • Work looks neater and more professional
  • News/Information can be sent and recieved quicker


  • If you don't have computer skills, it is hard to find a job
  • It can be complicated
  • If you forget to save your work, you may loose it!

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Spiral Frog

Spiral frog is the new and up-coming download service, offering legal downloads, both audio and video content. spiral frog will be secure site where music lovers can satisfy their needs for music, entertainment and information set do put i tunes out of business with its low download prices!

The Spiral Frog website is currently in Beta, and will debut in Q1 2007.

Yahoo Chat

I have Choosen Yahoo Chat as my final Communication piece.

Yahoo is rather like MSN, you send instant messages to your friends, play music in the background, and send moving pictures.

I think MSN is better than Yahoo Chat, becuase there are more things to do and choose from, and it is more up to date.

Disney Store

My 3rd and final commerce online service is the Disney store! the Disney Store is a great online service for any disney fans out there! They sell all disney products from Winnie the Pooh to Cars and Pirates Of The Caribbean! Disney Store sell all types of products, such as Baby and adult clothes, home ware products, school equipment, and Toys! The website is very colourful, and i would really advice anybody to check out the disney site!

I use the Disney Store quite alot, because they often have good deals, i am a rabid Pirates of the Caribbean fan, so i order all my stuff off this site! I never experience any problems with this! In my opinion, the best time to shop on-line, is during the christmas period, and when the sales are on, you can find some really interesting things! :D

CITV Games

My 3rd an final entertainment site is the CITV Gaming site! It is very appealing for childrean as it has lots of different games to choose from, such as finders keepers, Tennage Mutant Ninga Turtles, and all the other classic CITV programs. The website is very colourful, and has lots of pictures. I would say this website was for the more younger kids, as some of the games are too easy for advanced gamers!


The second entertainment online service i am using is ITV! ITV, like BBC has different things to go on such as weather, news etc. However, i do find the ITV website much more interesting than the BBC one, because it is much more colourful, and it has more interesting topics like what us happening in the world of celebrities, and Film reviews, so i suggest using ITV to gain the most entertainment from a website!

I have to say, i don't really use the ITV website very much! :O, However, for the few times i have been on, it was ok! Normally i would go and read about Soap Operas, or TV Programs like X-Factor or I'm a Celebrity!

Wednesday, September 20, 2006


I am going to use I-Tunes as my Download section on online services. I-Tunes is really good, becasue it stores thousands of songs and albums, a download costs around 70p! There are lots of pictures and it is very colourful, so it appeals to teenagers!

I have an I-Pod, but i rarely ever download any songs! I did have quite a few problems when i was trying to set up I-Tunes, i took months for it to load! Once it did load, everytime i went on it, it crashed! But now after nearly a year of trying to set it up, it does work quite well now, and have managed to put hundreds of songs onto my I-Pod! YAY :D