Sophie Keebles Project

Monday, October 16, 2006

1.2 Information Ages:Working Style- Crime and Crime Prevention

  1. Catching a criminal involves a lot of computer work
  2. Catching a criminal has become a lot easier
  3. The Police have an easier job


  • Less Crime around areas
  • More computer jobs avaliable
  • You will feel safer without the criminals around


  • With all the computer work, it puts police out of business
  • If one of the computers or someting breaks down, there in trouble, as the will loose track of who they are following.

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

1.2 Information Ages:Working Styles- Education


  1. Teaching is an easier job
  2. It allows felixible working hours
  3. Students find it more interesting


  • Teaching is easier
  • They will learn more from a computer, incase the teacher forgets anything
  • It familiaries them with computers, so they are used to them in a later life


  • Looking at a computer all the time can damage your eye site
  • If there is no teacher in the class room, just a comuter speaking, some students may skip classes
  • The students could get bored easily
  • There are less teaching jobs avaliable

1.2 Information Ages: Working Style- Communication

  1. Quicker
  2. Communicate Much More
  3. Communicate More Globally


  • It is easier to communicate
  • It is cheaper than phone calls


  • Some people dont have computers, so they can't use chat
  • Some people dont own a mobile phone, or know who to use one
  • With more up-to date mobile phones, they are more likely to get stolen